My current expressions represent three recent themes: personal and universal journaling, the simplicity and transparency of a single textile, and my conviction that we scorn and discard what will prove to have mattered most. Calligraphy, storytelling, and the quilter’s love of texture combine with a new commitment to the design of the page, the book. The signature is a printer’s term, and I redefine it here to link book and quilt forms. These are quilts in structure, but they are about the content rather than the surface.
We have what we need. It has comforted me as an artist to forego the nearly limitless material resources that tempt us at every turn. I choose to limit my palette to humble, random debris, and I delight in the study of those trimmings and findings that have taken on a life of their own. While we are looking the other way, they have become a kind of compost, and they will fertilize the future if we let them.